Bard Graduate Center
Test description

Bard Graduate Center
Leading design for a multifaceted, design focused, brand.
From 2013–2020 I was the art director at Bard Graduate Center, a gallery and graduate program in New York devoted to design history. I led an update to our brand guidelines and a complex institutional website redesign project.
Role: Art Direction, Branding, Design Standards, UX, User Research, Environmental Design, Video Production, Print Production

In order to build buy in and develop a shared language around the website redesign project I led a discovery phase that built a foundation for a site that connected previously siloed content from the graduate program and the gallery while also creating a more contemporary face for the institution.

Day to day, my team produced materials ranging from advertising to environmental graphics for the gallery, recruitment, fundraising, and public programs.

For recruitment and public programs we often pushed the boundaries of the brand to appeal to younger, edgier audiences.